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A message from ACEN President on COVID-19

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Dear Colleagues and Member Firms,

Today, our firms, nation, and the world, in general, face a global challenge called Coronavirus (COVID-19). This disease knows no bound and it respects no one. It affects both the rich and the poor, and all humans irrespective of colour and nationality.

Its upsurge has halted businesses, canceled global conferences and corporate gatherings, and it is wreaking havoc on national economies as day breaks and night falls.

From today 23rd March 2020, the Federal Government of Nigeria alongside some State Governments have shutdown her airports, closed schools, imposed restrictions on travels, and large gatherings in our streets and neighbourhood. This step is necessary to reduce the introduction of the virus into new communities and to slow down the spread of infection from persons and communities already affected by the virus.

Based on figures and statistics, COVID-19 is incredibly contagious but if we take decisive steps now and follow the simple medical advice and health tips of handwashing, self-isolation and maintaining social distance, we can slow down the spread of this disease.

As our Centers for Disease Control and other agencies continue to monitor the best ways to respond to the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, I encourage all our colleagues and member firms to be calm, follow all government’s instructions, obey all restrictions and lend their support to fight this pandemic.

While we wait for the pandemic to be over, let us use online platforms and technologies to stay connected with our business associates, families and friends.

I am hopeful and confident that as we join forces together with leaders of nations and obey health directives, in no distant time, normalcy would be restored and we would get back to work hail and hearty.

My heart goes out to the families of the thousands who have died due to this pandemic and to the families who are suffering, I sympathize with you.

Together, we shall fight this disease and we shall emerge victoriously.

Please stay safe.

Engr. George C. Okoroma, FNSE, JP

President, Association for Consulting Engineering in Nigeria-ACEN.